SHD 200: Monitoring And Additional Control Functionality For Any 4…20mA/HART Field Device

SHD 200: Monitoring And Additional Control Functionality For Any 4…20mA/HART Field Device
KROHNE introduces the new SHD 200 control unit. It can be used with any 4…20mA/HART field device for monitoring of process parameters and additional control functionality in various industries.

Beyond the functionality of a pure loop powered display, the SHD 200 offers a second current output (passive) that can be used for any HART variable provided by the field device. Thus, digital HART information can now be transmitted by an additional analog 4…20 mA signal. The second current output can also be used for LEDs for signalization of the field device status according to NAMUR NE 107 and for the backlight.

The SHD 200 also features two programmable relays for status output, system alarm or limit switch functionality. By combining the input and output options, SHD 200 can be used for basic control applications: examples are displaying static and differential pressure with limit switch valve opening function in DP flow applications, simple dosing in pH value control applications or control of heating and cooling processes using the temperature values/ temperature difference of two temperature sensors.

When used as a display, SHD 200 provides a convenient display of 4…20 mA and/or HART values via customer-specific measurement pages. It shows up to four different values for detailed process monitoring, including trend graph and summary page. Full access to all specific functions of the field device is possible via a HART handheld that can be connected to the SHD 200 via the internal or the optional external adapter.

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