Biopharmaceutical Processing

Biopharmaceutical processing is a specialized branch of biotechnology that develops and produces therapeutic drugs derived from living organisms. This innovative field combines biology, chemistry, and engineering to create life-saving medications, vaccines, and therapies.

Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field that is transforming the way we produce goods and services. By using the power of living organisms, biotechnology can help to create new products, improve existing ones, and reduce our environmental impact.

Fluid handling is a critical part of the biopharma manufacturing process, and the use of innovative fluid handling solutions can help to improve efficiency, productivity, and safety. Some of the key benefits of using fluid handling solutions in biopharma include:

  • Reduced risk of contamination: By using closed-system fluid handling solutions, the risk of contamination can be significantly reduced.
  • Increased efficiency: Automated fluid handling systems can help to improve efficiency by reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Improved flexibility: Modular fluid handling systems can be easily adapted to meet the changing needs of biopharma manufacturing.
  • Enhanced traceability: Datalogging capabilities can help to improve traceability and compliance.

Many industrial processing professionals may be confused about the difference between biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. While the two industries have some similarities, there are also some key differences.

Biotechnology companies use living organisms or their components to develop products and services. This can include things like drugs, vaccines, and industrial enzymes. Pharmaceutical companies, on the other hand, use chemicals to develop their products. This can include things like small molecules and biologics.

Biopharma companies are a hybrid of the two industries. They use both biotechnology and pharmaceutical approaches to develop their products. This is becoming increasingly common as the two industries continue to converge.

Fluid handling technology is used to automate the transfer, measurement, and dispensing of liquids in the biotechnology market. This technology is essential for a variety of applications, including cell culture, drug discovery, and diagnostics.

Automated liquid handling systems can improve the accuracy, efficiency, and reproducibility of these processes. They can also reduce the risk of contamination and improve the safety of laboratory workers.

Examples of fluid handling technology used in the biotechnology market include:

  • Peristaltic pumps: Peristaltic pumps are aseptic and can be used to transfer a variety of fluids, including hazardous and corrosive materials.
  • Single-use fluid handling systems: Single-use fluid handling systems are disposable, which can help to reduce the risk of contamination.
  • Microfluidic devices
  • Automated fluid handling systems: Automated fluid handling systems can help to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Datalogging systems: Datalogging systems can help to improve traceability and compliance.

These technologies are used to handle a wide range of fluids, including water, buffers, cell cultures, and reagents. They are also used to handle a variety of volumes, from small volumes (nanoliters) to large volumes (liters).

The use of fluid handling technology in the biotechnology market is essential for the development of new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics. It is also essential for the production of these products in a safe and efficient manner.

Biotechnology innovations are rapidly transforming the way we live and work. From new drugs and treatments to sustainable food production, biotechnology is making a real difference in the world.
Some of the most promising biotech innovations include:

  • Gene editing: Gene editing is the process of changing DNA. This technology has the potential to cure diseases, improve crops, and create new biofuels.
  • Synthetic biology: Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new biological systems. This technology could be used to create new medicines, create new materials, and even clean up pollution.
  • Biosensors: Biosensors are devices that can detect and measure biological molecules. These devices can be used to diagnose diseases, monitor environmental pollutants, and track the effectiveness of treatments.
  • Bioprinting: Bioprinting is the process of creating three-dimensional structures using biological materials. This technology could be used to create new organs, tissues, and even food
  • Microalgae: Microalgae are tiny organisms that can produce biofuels, food, and other products. This technology has the potential to create a more sustainable food and energy system.

These are just a few of the many biotech innovations that are being developed today. As the field of biotechnology continues to grow, we can expect to see even more amazing innovations in the years to come.

The biotechnology market is a highly competitive market, but it also offers significant opportunities for innovation and growth. The companies that are able to develop successful products and services will be well-positioned to capitalize on the growth of this market.



Here are just a few examples of how biotechnology is being used in industry:

    • Chemicals: Biotechnology can be used to produce chemicals that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly than traditional methods. For example, enzymes can be used to produce biodegradable plastics and detergents.

    • Food and beverage: Biotechnology can be used to improve the quality and safety of food and beverages. For example, enzymes can be used to produce lactose-free milk and gluten-free bread.

    • Energy: Biotechnology can be used to produce renewable energy sources such as biofuels and biogas.

    • Pharmaceuticals: Biotechnology is used to develop new drugs and treatments for diseases. For example, genetically engineered insulin is used to treat diabetes.

    • Materials: Biotechnology can be used to create new materials with a variety of properties. For example, biopolymers can be used to create biodegradable plastics.

As the field continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of biotechnology in the years to come.

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Articles about Biopharmaceutical Processing

Experts for Biopharmaceutical Processing

Matt Smith is Sales Director at Silverson Machines, which has over 70 years of experience helping customer in the field of high shear mixing. Silverson Machines serve many different industries from Pharmaceuticals to Food and can be used in a variety of applications including emulsifying – creating stable emulsions, blending liquids of varying viscosities and homogenisation. Along with a dedicated and knowledgeable Sales team and Technical staff, Silverson Machines can help find the right mixer for your application.
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Hello, my name is Lee Sandry and I am a Sector Training Manager at Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions. My role primarily involves training sales colleagues to provide customers the best fluid handling solutions in industrial sectors, including water treatment, mining, chemical and construction applications. Being from Cornwall and surrounded by the mining industry, with a father who worked underground, my local environment was always about engineering and mineral processing. My apprenticeship when I left school was with the large mining machinery manufacturer, which has led me onto greater things. My background at Watson-Marlow started in 1996 when I was involved in the production of hundreds of parts that go into the manufacture of our pumps. This was followed with becoming a Technical Support Engineer, working directly with colleagues and customers globally. Site visits and constant customer-facing support at Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions, gave me the opportunity to experience many aspects of installation and operation of our peristaltic and sinusoidal pumps range. My aim is to enable sales teams around the world to provide robust solutions for demanding pumping applications, helping customers improve the efficiency and safety of their manufacturing process. Choosing the right pump can overcome problems that cause other pump types to fail. With no rotors to wear, or seals and glands to flush, peristaltic hose pumps handle abrasive fluids without the maintenance costs of other pumps. Whilst the extremely low shear and high suction sinusoidal pumps reduce product damage and cut waste in high viscosity fluid transfer duties.
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Erik Tiemensma, Sales Knowledge Manager, has over 20 years of experience in flow and pressure measurement and control for gas, liquid and vapour. For many years Erik worked as Sales Engineer supporting worldwide sales channels in finding the best solutions for customers’ applications. At Bronkhorst we are convinced that sharing experiences and knowledge is an added value for customers, when discussing the most suitable products for their applications. As part of this expert panel, looks forward to your challenging flow or pressure questions.
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Natalie Waldecker, Portfolio Manager Food and Pharma, knows the challenges of the demanding industries inside out. With her broad application knowledge, she is at home on topics such as hygiene design, certificates and cleanability. As product manager for pressure measurement technology, she is also responsible for one of the most important measuring principles for the industry. Natalie gathers her knowledge as close to the application as possible. Preferably directly at the customer’s site, experiencing “real world” practice. She has thus gotten thoroughly acquainted with international customer requirements and knows the ins and outs of the market. With this background, she is able to not only explain technical relationships in an understandable way, but also offer valuable tips and convincing solutions. In the 12 years she has been with VEGA, she has steadily improved her expertise which makes her the right person to contact for new product ideas and tailored customer solutions.
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Paul de Waal is Dutch and educated as a Measurement and Control /Electronics Engineer. After a start as Instrumentation Engineer at Delta Controls, often outsourced to Shell, he became Managing Director of Sierra Instruments b.v. for almost 25 years. In 2012 he moved to the UK and now works as Business Development Director at Vögtlin Instruments GmbH in Switzerland. Paul has been active is several ISO committees and has a wide network of international relations that he can call upon to support him. (Vögtlin is part of the TASI group). He has practical experience with about every flow meter principle available. Currently his professional focus is application support, product development and international sales promotions. His main interest and experience lies in non-fiscal gas mass flow measurement/control systems and calibration. Gas mass flow meters and controllers used in applications like consumption measurements and distribution, gas dosing, mixing, (leak) testing, flame control, furnace, glass, heat treatment, packaging and analysers. Application for this can be found in industries like Food, Bio technology, Surface technologies, Welding, Medical, Pharma, Energy (Solar, Fuel cells, combustion, etc), chemical, semiconductor, metal industry and many more..
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