The company’s own start-up is now delivering new solutions. With its Installed Base Manager, the SICK Asset Hub, the Monitoring Box, and Predictive Services, SICK is continuing to expand its solutions for Industry 4.0 applications.

Who among you knows where which sensor with what status is located in your factory? A challenging situation that can cost you a lot of time and money if one of the sensors suddenly stops working. Because now the search for the fault begins. It was this issue that gave SICK an idea: “We want to make it easy for our customers to create more transparency in their world of sensors while at the same time increasing plant availability and productivity. That’s why we developed a new offering for our customers”, explains Matthias Elbert, Vice President Smart Data Solutions at SICK AG. This offering comprises the Installed Base Manager app, the SICK Asset Hub, the Monitoring Box, and Predictive Services.

The Installed Base Manager from SICK is the first app that allows all installed sensors and machines to be quickly and easily digitalized, including serial numbers, locations or photos. The app provides the user with a clear display of all relevant product information for his assets and – in conjunction with the SICK Asset Hub software tool – can be used to plan and monitor all maintenance and repair activities. Furthermore, related documents such as inspection logs, test reports or calibration certificates can be made accessible online. SICK is thereby offering a new level of information transparency as a foundation for Industry 4.0.
The other new app, “Monitoring Box”, gives users virtual and real-time access to relevant sensor parameters and events, which are clearly presented in a dashboard view. It sends out notifications whenever problems arise, and the historical data and events collected can be used to make application-specific predictions. This predictive service enables you to increase your plant availability, and also continuously improve the quality of your products and processes.