E + E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H

E+E Elektronik has got an established and certified quality management system according to
ISO 9001 and ISO TS16949. The measures for safeguarding high quality are ongoing checked and improved. Thus makes the guarantee for well-egineered products on highest quality standard with best reliability, permanent innovations and customer-friendly service.

E+E’s certification according to ISO 14001 proves that, in addition to criteria for quality, environmental aspects are also taken seriously.

The Handbook of the Managementsystem informs detailed about the quality polices and their performance and contains further details about E+E Elektronik.

By reason of the high quality standard E+E Elektronik has achieved the accreditation as officialcalibration laboratority for relative humidity, temperature, air velocity and air flow from the austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth.

E+E Elektronik sets a high value on innovative and high quality products.

Besides that E+E also attaches a great importance to modern environmental protection. Therefore in the year 2002 an environmental management system according to the internationally recognized standard ISO 14001 was already introduced. A dedicated environmental representative worries about the observance and development of the environmental protection measures.

Meanwhile E+E Elektronik is certificated according to ISO 14001 : 2004. Furthermore E+E joined the Austrias Climatic Alliance. The consistent performance of environmental-relevant measures was a profit for both – E+E Elektronik and the environment. After all plenty of things were scored:

  • Cost saving by smaller energy consumption, less waste, economical material employment
  • Safe-guarding of jobs and location by avoidance of environmental problems
  • Optimisation of workflows
  • Awarded as a company of Austrias Climatic Alliance
E + E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H
E + E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H
Langwiesen 7
+43 7235 605 0

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