Katronic equipment has always communicated the basic process measurements, along with maths functions to deliver relevant information to the user to aid decision making, but the addition of digital communications such as Profibus PA means that a wide variety of process variable data can be delivered simultaneously, allowing more sophisticated choices to be made, driving asset management and predictive maintenance so that users can schedule manpower more effectively and maximise plant uptime.

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Industry 4.0, IIoT, plant digitalisation all hangs on the ability to gather and make sense of data. Katronic delivers a non-invasive, clamp-on device that can be easily added into the process without disruption or downtime and collects data on every aspect of the flow; from basic measurements such as flow volume, flow velocity and temperature to the way that the flow rate varies with the operation of other plant infrastructure like valves and pumps, even variations in the speed of sound through the fluid can be logged, allowing plant operators to build a picture over time. Changes in operational profiles can be tracked, actions taken and maintenance prioritised, maximising uptime, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.
More than just clamp-on flow measurement – a window into your process.
By Andrew Sutton, Managing Director, Katronic Technologies Ltd.