Modular Flow Chemistry System

16 Mar 2023  |
The Uniqsis FlowLab Plus™ is a versatile flow chemistry system with a wide choice of high-performance modules to match your application needs.

Designed around the proven Binary Pump™ dual channel reagent delivery system, the FlowLab Plus™ can be configured to run both manual and automated flow chemistry reactions. This versatile system may be configured with any combination of up to 4 individual reactor modules. By selecting from the HotCoil™ and HotChip™ heated reactor modules, and the Polar Bear Plus Flow™ or Polar Bear Plus GSM™ cryogenic modules, an operating range from -40 °C to 300 °C is possible.

The addition of FlowControl II software allows you to integrate your FlowLab Plus™ with a fraction collector enabling you to automate reactions from either reagent bottles or automated sample loops for reaction optimization studies.

The computer, pumps, and heating / cooling modules in a FlowLab Plus™ are connected over a LAN using an Ethernet hub enabling the system to be controlled remotely by Wi-Fi, allowing the control computer to be conveniently operated outside your fume hood.

Since 2007, Uniqsis has specialised in the design and supply of mesoscale continuous flow chemistry systems for a wide range of applications in chemical and pharmaceutical research. The company’s aim is to make flow chemistry easily accessible to both novices and experienced users.

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Uniqsis is committed to developing innovative flow chemistry products for customers in both the research and biopharmaceutical sector. This commitment is exemplified by the FlowSyn range of fully integrated flow reactors, designed and manufactured by...

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