RD540 is a high-performing reverse-acting rupture disc engineered to reach ultra-low burst pressures ranging from 1.75-10 psig (0.12-0.69 barg). This rupture disc is available in 316/316L SST with sizes ranging from 1-4″.
“This product is specifically designed for applications such as glass-lined reactors or separator tanks which traditionally would use graphite rupture discs due to their ability to achieve very low burst pressures,” said Michael Hunt, Business Development Manager, Fike Europe. “Historically, these burst pressures weren’t possible with metallic discs, until now.”
In many applications, RD540 may be a suitable replacement to avoid certain disadvantages associated with graphite rupture discs. When graphite rupture discs burst, they often fragment into thousands of pieces within the process, which may contaminate the product. Unplanned downtime is also common because extensive cleaning is often required after a graphite rupture disc bursts.
RD540 is engineered with Fike’s proprietary G2 manufacturing technology, which has been proven to produce operating ratios up to 90 percent, withstand many thousands of process cycles and shorten lead times.
RD540 is manufactured in both the US (Blue Springs, Missouri) and the EU (Herentals, Belgium).
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