Oliver Twinsafe Customise Valve for Gryphon FPSO

28 Feb 2023  |
Oliver Twinsafe manufactures a 10” x 8”, 900 class valve as a customised solution for the Maersk Gryphon floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) that’s now owned by Total Energies and is operating 200 miles off the Aberdeen coast.

The vessel is connected to subsea well clusters at a water depth of 112 metres, and equipped with topside production facilities to separate gas, oil, water mixtures and compression of gas for export.

Offshore installations such as an FPSO, give critical consideration to the space and weight of valve design, so compact design is key. Twinsafe manufactured a valve to a Compact Standard Length (CSL), with face-to-face dimensions in accordance with ASME B16.10. The double block and bleed design allows the valve to be installed within the same space as a single isolated ball valve, but with two isolates and a bleed valve positioned in between to maximise safety. 

The first isolated ball valve is fitted with a Rotork spring pneumatic actuator that’s fitted with a limit switch for remote and local visual indication of the valve position, and a control panel containing the air filter regulator and solenoid valve. The second isolated valve is fitted with a manual gearbox.

To find the perfect valve solution for your project, telephone Oliver Valves on +44(0)1565 632 636 or visit their website at www.valves.co.uk

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Oliver Valves Ltd, Oliver Valvetek Ltd and Oliver Twinsafe Ltd are world leaders in Instrumentation, Subsea and Pipeline valves, along with our newly established company for the hydrogen and carbon capture market, Oliver Hydcovalves Ltd....

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