Val-Matic in Water Treatment

13 Oct 2020  |
Val-Matic’s case study “Savings Through Serviceability” demonstrates a great example of how to save with an easily serviceable product.

The City of Elgin began serving its residents as a community water supplier in the late 1880s using the Fox River as its first source of drinking water. Due to increase demand they had to keep supplying their residents with quality water by expanding and building a new treatment facility. Their mission was to have quality products that provide ease of maintenance which led them to Val-Matic’s American-BFV® Butterfly Valve where one of the trademark features is ease of serviceability. Being able to adjust/replace the seat without having to remove the Butterfly Valve from the line allowed maintenance to be performed in one day with little disruption.

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Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. is a leading manufacturer of Air Valves, Check Valves and Quarter Turn Shut-Off Valves for water/wastewater, power, industrial, fire protection and HVAC applications. Val-Matic is respected worldwide for products with...

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