Thanks to the good relationship with the engineering company, CMI, Egger Belgium received an invitation to participate in a tender for the supply of 60 horizontal and 4 vertical pumps. These pumps are planned for an HF gas scrubbing plant to be built on the OCP site in Safi, Morocco, as part of a large-scale project to improve the air quality of the entire region (due to the wind that pollutes the whole city of Safi with sometimes fatal consequences for the health of its inhabitants).
The technical specifications envisaged for the centrifugal pumps prompted Egger Belgium to turn to Turo Italy, suspecting that an end customer in Morocco would certainly be of interest to us.
That saw the start of an intense inter-subsidiary collaboration aimed at convincing the engineering company of the relevance of our technical and commercial proposal. The final customer, faced with a full technical approval and a competitive offer, however, placed the order only for the vertical pumps with Turo Italy / Egger Belgium, because the list of suppliers and the number of horizontal pump manufacturers present on the site excluded any other possibility for the Egger Group.

The final decision to place the order for the vertical pumps with us was taken during a joint visit to Morocco with CMI, during which the “cantilever” version was presented and explained in detail to the customer. That was the moment when OCP, the end customer, was convinced and the order was placed with us!