The next logical step was to enter into a new strategic partnership with the Spanish pump manufacturer PeriBest: sera is taking over the exclusive distribution of PeriBest peristaltic dosing pumps and peristaltic feed pumps for the regions Germany, Austria and Switzerland with immediate effect.

The strategic partnership of the two companies is designed for the long term and is intended to offer customers added value even over a long period of time. PeriBest has been successful in the peristaltic pump sector for more than 15 years and has a broad knowledge of the technology, its advantages, applications, and the existing and potential market. This knowledge of the industry forms the basis for the continuous development of the product line and provides clear and specific competitive advantages.
How the peristaltic pumps work: The high-quality peristaltic pumps are self-priming, dry-run safe positive displacement pumps. A media-resistant, elastic hose is compressed by rollers. The rotation of the rotor pushes the medium in the hose in front of it. When the hose is returned to its round shape, negative pressure is generated which causes the subsequent medium to be sucked in. This suction process is independent of whether the suction line is filled. The pumps are therefore absolutely self-priming even in dry condition.
This pumping principle makes it possible to pump almost all free-flowing media, regardless of whether they contain coarse solids, are abrasive or aggressive. The unique rollers and low pump speeds ensure a very long hose life. In contrast to many competitors, changing the hose is also very simple and can be done in just a few steps.

The massive and compact design and high-quality connections make the PeriBest peristaltic pump unique in the market. The peristaltic pumps are equipped with high-quality gear motors. The speed and thus the delivery rate of the pump can be regulated via a frequency converter. It is also possible to change the direction of rotation. The high-quality PeriBest pumps can be used for flow rates of 13.000 l/h at counter pressures of up to 10 bar. Even larger pumps are already under development.
sera naturally also provide all necessary fittings such as pulsation dampeners, overflow valves, and much more for the PeriBest pumps.
The Advantages at a Glance
- very good self-priming
- absolutely safe to run dry
- extremely long hose service life due to the unique rollers and low speeds
- very fast and uncomplicated hose change
- absolutely insensitive to solids, i.e. ideal for abrasive media
- suitable for gentle pumping of sensitive media
- sealless and valveless
- suitable for pumping very viscous media
- only the pump hose is in contact with the medium
- The direction of rotation can be changed (suction and discharge side can be easily changed by changing the direction of rotation)
- simple and cost-effective maintenance

As a competent contact partner for everything to do with pumps and dosing technology, sera are expanding its own delivery and service program once again with this sales partnership and is able to serve the most varied applications from one source. Many sera customers have already been using PeriBest products for years, sera will now offer and expand the service they are used to from the dosing technology for them.
In addition to the individual pump, sera naturally also offer complete system solutions in order to keep the expenditure for design, procurement, installation, and commissioning to a minimum. The PeriBest products fit seamlessly into the sera product range and fulfill the usual high demands of sera customers.