Drift Detection by Double Pt

Drift Detection by Double Pt
Especially in the food and pharmaceutical industries, strict requirements call for the regular calibration of temperature measuring points, which often means opening and thereby interrupting the process. Between each calibration cycle, there is also a possibility of undetected drift that leads to inaccurate measurements, which in worst cases can lead to entire batches becoming unusable or even needing to be recalled. 

Labom, measuring device manufacturer based in northern Germany, now offers a device to solve this problem: the temperature transmitter GV4 MiniTherm, which can be optionally equipped with a self-monitoring function. This measures the temperature with two Pt100s, which exhibit different drift behaviour as they age, due to their physical structures. Any difference in the signals between them is continuously monitored and when a threshold value is exceeded it immediately triggers a drift warning. This makes production runs with incorrect temperature measurements a thing of the past. 

    The GV4 not only enables complete drift monitoring over the entire temperature range between calibration cycles, the user can also configure the drift threshold individually. This temperature transmitter offers high measurement accuracy and is designed for installation in a separate thermowell. The GV4 has a compact case of stainless steel with a hygienic design and its parameters can be quickly and easily set using the four control buttons. 

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    For over 50 years LABOM has ranked among the quality leaders in the field of industrial pressure and temperature metrology. The German company specialises in the measurement and monitoring of pressure, fill levels and temperature....

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