Flowquip Design and Supply Caustic Dilution and Batching Systems to UK Based Chemical Manufacturer

24 Feb 2020  |
Flowquip were recently approached by a Manchester based chemical manufacturer and distribution company, requiring an accurate solution for diluting caustic to desired strengths and batching it into small containers, drums, intermediate bulk containers (IBC’s) and road tankers.

The leading chemical manufacturer needed to dilute the 47% caustic with deionised water and fill plastic containers, 200 litre drums, IBC’s and pressure bins. The solution strength was also required to be extremely accurate (+/- 0.3%), and the batching system needed to allow for simple operator use.

A key consideration in this type of application is the aggressive nature of the chemicals, therefore the correct selection of instrumentation, pipe work, valves and filling heads is paramount.

Flowquip designed a ‘filling deck’ solution, supplied in a robust plastic ChemiGuard® enclosure. The filling deck system utilises an Endress+Hauser Promag P300 Electromagnetic flowmeter with a PTFE lining and platinum electrodes, specially selected for robust resistance to aggressive chemicals.

Additionally, Flowquip’s FT3 Stainless Steel Turbine Flowmeter was used for the deionised water, along with a Contrec 103D Rate Totaliser; providing both batch accuracy and repeatability. Georg Fischer Electro Pneumatic control valves were used to provide precise control of the flow rates.

The control equipment allows secure batching of caustic and deionised water into containers using a hand-held gun and hose assembly, via PIN authorised access.

The 103D was able to provide a scaled pulse output from the turbines into an ABB PLC & touch screen HMI solution, providing the operator with a simple and concise operational overview.

Alongside the filling deck, Flowquip were also requested to design and supply a tanker loading system with flowmeters capable of filling 35,000 litre road tankers.

The loading system which allows batching of caustic and deionised water into road tankers via a 4 metre long tanker filling hose utilises a similar Endress Promag, Stainless Steel Turbine and Contrec 103D Field Mounting Rate Totaliser.

Incorporated into a ChemiGuard® enclosure complete with pipework and valves (trace-headed and insulated), the control equipment will allow filling of the tanker at a rate of 425 to 475 litres per minute, dependent on dilution strength. The system is programmed via a control panel supplied complete with HMI & alarm beacon/sounder.

Flowquip also provided full testing and commissioning of the system prior to handover.

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