Municipal Water Monitoring Using Wireless Radar Level Sensors in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Canada

31 Oct 2024  |
The municipality of Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac is located on the banks of the Deux-Montagnes Lake (150 km2). Most of the municipality is protected by a dyke. In 2019, the dyke broke, causing unprecedented flooding.

IJNUS Involvement

The teams of IJINUS (Claire Group) accompanied the municipality in monitoring the water level of the lake. Three radar technology sensors were installed at strategic points to monitor the height of the lake (on the beach, at the lake itself and in a drain). The data recorded by the LNR06 radar sensors are sent every hour to the IJITRACK platform. If a threshold is exceeded, a virtually instantaneous alert is immediately transmitted to the municipal employees.


With this deployment, the management of heavy rainfall and snow melt allows the municipality to prevent all risks of flooding. The IJITRACK supervision system very easily generates a graphic report for optimal monitoring. The teams on the ground are highly responsive and guided in their operations by alarms, which are delivered together with recommended actions such as closing the gate valve, restarting a pump, etc.

Water level monitoring with no external constraints

In the context of the legal obligation to measure the inflows and outflows to and from waste water treatment plants, the LNR06V4-LE wireless level sensor provides this monitoring. By measuring the water level, the flow rates can be calculated by conversion. Its unique design, combining a switch sensor and an self-powered logger in a single module, allows the cost of the point of measurement to be reduced for more efficient network coverage and optimised surveillance.

Advantages :
• Plug & Play solution with built-in battery
• Compact, light and discreet: <1kg
• Extremely low cost of installation
• Secure remote programming
• Impervious to wind and temperature variations
• Easy to maintain: no direct contact with water

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Ijinus is specialized in the development of autonomous and smart measuring and data logging instrumentation to monitor water: metrology equipment, automated water samplers, sensors and data loggers connected to a supervision application and platform. Ijinus...

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