Exceeding expectations with the new BA300KS
BBA Pumps likes to exceed expectations. For that reason, the free passage is increased and the pump efficiency is higher than the existing KS pumps. The diesel-driven BA300KS D388 is combined with an economical and environmentally friendly stage V engine. The sound attenuated canopy is quiet, robust and comes standard with discharge roof pipe.

The most important pump features are:
- Pump capacity to 1100 m3/hour
- Maximum pump head 33 mwc
- Vacuum system 100 m3/hour
- Pump effeciency BEP 80%
- Connection flanges DN300
- Solids handling Ø 130 mm
- BBA Pumps warranty 4 years

Diesel driven BA300KS D388 in sound attenuated canopy. KS pump impeller design.
Coming soon
The electric driven BA300KS pump unit is coming soon and will be available in different styles.