ValvTechnologies Integrates Augmented Reality Tool To Provide First-Class Remote Service Support

12 Aug 2020  |
ValvTechnologies, the leading manufacturer of zero-leakage, severe service isolation valve solutions, today introduced VirtualValv Support™, an on-demand augmented reality tool to provide remote installation, maintenance support service, anytime, anywhere.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have placed significant limitations on in-person interaction. To overcome this, ValvTechnologies has implemented an innovative software tool for live remote service assistance. VirtualValv Support™ connects a certified ValvTechnologies’ service technician with on-site, field personnel to interact in real-time, communicating using hand gestures and augmented 3D scans.

VirtualValv Support™ was recently deployed for a planned maintenance outage at a powerplant in Malaysia.

The outage was originally scheduled to be conducted by its service team based in Chennai India, however, as air travel had been restricted, ValvTechnologies had to adapt to meet its customer’s needs. As a result, the VirtualValv Support™ system was sent to Malaysia and programmed with all the necessary procedures for full ERV overhaul and the service team in India oversaw the repairs remotely to ensure the work was done to standards. “Our service team was in sync with the plant’s field personnel,” said Indrajith Vijayakumar, Business Development Manager, Asia Pacific. “We provided real-time maintenance and support from equipment training to assembly, streamlining the process as if we were physically there”.

“During these uncertain times in which social distancing and travel restrictions are being mandated across the globe, it’s imperative that we find alternative means to support our customers to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations,” said Bill Morris, ValvTechnologies’ International Service Manager. “By utilizing cutting-edge technology, ValvTechnologies and its customers can collaborate on troubleshooting valve maintenance or repairs to avoid costly downtime.”

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Part of Severn, ValvTechnologies manufactures highly reliable metal seated valves for severe service applications. Founded in 1987 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, it is the leading manufacturer of zero leakage, high-performance isolation valve solutions for...

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